A style
marked by

A different batch each year. A modern brandy that combines tradition with modernity.


Since 1895, Carvalho, Ribeiro & Ferreira has carried the legacy of the best Portuguese brandies. A story that over the years has in its genesis, the sharing of good memories at the table, the experience of more than a century of tradition and the trust that passes from generation to generation.
With its DNA creased in a tireless obsession for perfection and in the search for the best batches of Portuguese spirits, the desire to create this spirit was born, in the Vinhos Verdes Demarcated Region.
It was a long process of selection of old lots that involved producers from the region and their enormous capacity to revisit and qualify old lots. In these batches, brandies of various ages were selected, the main batch being over 40 years old.

This final blend results from the distillation of various brandies from the region's grape varieties, all kept over time in French oak and carefully selected. A batch reinvented over and over again, with continuous team chapters, which emerge in tasting experiences to reach perfection. Each batch will be different, to achieve a unique and unrivaled product, always respecting the aromatic versatility of this terroir.
A modern XO brandy, with a style created and marked by the difference that will leave an indelible mark.
All elements represent CR&F's obsession with detail.

An artistically bold and irreverent bottle, slowly screen-printed in gold.

A necklace, numbered in order to mark the exclusivity of this moment.

A case complemented with the ropes and seal that have always sealed the commitment of these brandies.

Tasting Notes

Beautiful shades of ocher punctuated by soft highlights of green and bronze.
Suggestions of light sweet fruit notes, which blend in complete balance with wood aromas to produce soft and delicate fragrant notes.
In the mouth
Deep palate, of elegance and moderation, which evokes spices in its splendor. A well-structured brandy with a silky final freshness.
Consumption recommendation:
15º service and 18º consumption.