CR&F Old Brandy

The flavour
of sharing
and union

Rich and complex, the most iconic brandy of the house invites you to enjoy a second glass.


The most iconic brandy of the CR&F house. Aged over the years in oak casks, it is the perfect combination of the best wine brandies, reaffirming the flavour and experience of over a century of tradition.
CR&F Old Brandy Reserve was born in 1950.
They say that from Spain you will get neither good wind nor a good marriage. But it was from the Port of Santa Maria, in Jerez de la Frontera, that came the best and most well-kept secrets of the ageing of this brandy. These secrets were studied during a retreat made by a team of 20 coopers and cellar keepers from Carvalho, Ribeiro & Ferreira. The Solera method, the humid cellars, the right temperature, the perfect blend. A formula like this always has a secret. A secret well kept by all the cellar keepers that have worked with this family.
To this day, this team is legendary at CR&F. Every time we toast with this brandy, we remember that there are things worth waiting for.

Dona Beatriz, a CR&F employee in the 1950s, was the person behind the characteristic wax seal of the CR&F brandy bottle. She would painstakingly produce the wax seal and, sitting at a table, proudly hand-dipped each bottle. Today, in honour of Dona Beatriz, the brand still maintains the original formula of this wax seal, which turns each time a bottle is opened into a ritual.
CR&F Old Brandy Reserve was born in 1950.
Today, one of the robots places the wax seal on the bottle's crest, and another robot dips the bottle into the wax seal made by Dona Beatriz.
Mr. Henrique Santos, also a CR&F employee in the 1950s, was responsible for the ropes that close each bottle. His objective was that the wax seal should come out perfectly. These ropes, which cut the aluminium under the wax seal, remove it perfectly after opening each bottle.
Today, the brand maintains this manual process, which contributes to the opening ritual.
And of course, we cannot fail to mention the iconic shape of our bottle that has remained unchanged.

Tasting Notes

Dark topaz from barrel ageing
Balance between the various complex notes of noble wood
In the mouth
A rich complexity. Citrus, toasted custard, dark chocolate, nuts, caramel, mustard